Photovoltaik, Beratung und Umrüstung für Röntgengeräte

Sonnenweg 4b , 85386 Eching/Dietersheim, Germany


European sales and installation for

Multiwire Laboratories Ltd., 95 Brown Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850  USA

Dr. Andreas Erb

Photovoltaik und Röntgen

MWL 110 Real-Time Back-Reflection Laue Camera System with Mutiwire Lab. Area detector at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa

Crystal Orientation the Real Time Way



The Laue X–ray backscattering method  is an indispensable tool for the orientation of single crystals in research and industry.

It can also be a tool for fast testing  of materials like nickel-based single-crystal super alloys for turbine blades for crystalline quality and perfection.

Film material, scintillation area detectors or image plates produce single exposures and the use of such single exposures make the orientation of single crystals a time consuming procedure. 

The “silver bullet”  for this problem are the area detectors  from Multiwire Laboratories Ltd. The use of such a detector can turn an old and time consuming technique and equipment  into a Real-Time Back-Reflection Laue Camera System. They can replace film material or image plates keeping the rest of the already existing X-ray equipment.

Together with a motor driven goniometer and translation stage crystals are oriented fast and accurate.

Our service consists of the consulting and transformation of already existing Laue Camera systems into systems of newer technology to replace the Polaroid films, image plate systems or scintillation area detectors.

But also completely new systems with new X-ray generators,       X-ray tables and radiation enclosures are projected and installed by us.

In his main occupation the business owner Prof. Dr. Andreas Erb is academic director  at the Walther-Meissner-Institute  for low temperature physics of the Bavarian Academy for Science and Humanities and at the same time scientific director of the Crystal laboratory of the Faculty of Physics at the Technical University of Munich.

In December 2012 he was also appointed honorary professor for Experimental Physics at the University of Leipzig (Germany).

In Oct. 2013 he was elected as spokesman of the workshop “Intermetallic and oxide systems with spin

and charge correlations”

within the German association for Crystal Growth (DGKK)


In March 2015 he received the Prize of the German Association for Crystal Growth (DGKK) for his work on crystal growth of various oxides.




Dr. Andreas Erb

Photovoltaik und Röntgen

Sonnenweg 4b

85386 Eching/Dietersheim


How to reach us :

Telefon: + 49 (0) 89-32666906

Mobil :     +49 (170) 8238306





Last changed    07.06.2017

MWL 120 Real-Time Back-Reflection Laue Camera System with Mutiwire Lab. Area detector at the University of Bochum, Germany